Effective methods of school work organization

Effective methods of school work organization

The closer we get to September, the more time we dedicate to the upcoming school year. Educational success depends on various factors, some of which we have more influence over, and others less. Organizing school work falls into the former category. Sleep – 8 hours is an absolute minimum that allows maintaining mental freshness and avoiding the “rough morning” syndrome. A relaxed student absorbs knowledge more easily, memorizes, and retains logical thinking skills. Therefore, let’s boldly and consistently transition children from the holiday mode, limit exposure to the blue light of tablets and smartphones (which hinders falling asleep), and encourage...

Back to School Style

Back to School Style

Practical and attractive school supplies can sweeten the post-holiday nostalgia: not only useful but also very stylish. Pens A pen is a basic tool for working at school, but not only that. It should be reliable, long-lasting, and smoothly glide on paper. For the youngest students, transitioning from carefree preschool play to the world of lessons and homework should be as smooth as possible. Happy Color’s beautiful gel pens with attractive patterns catch children’s eyes and make lessons more enjoyable. The incredibly colorful JUNGLE series with motifs of exotic flora and fauna, or equally exotic GIRAFFES (AFRYKANKI), or – more...